Monday, November 5, 2007

small package - big personality

Petite Survey from with my answers:

1. Do you consider yourself petite, and why?
Yes! In terms of clothing, I avoid buying pants at all costs everything is too long. For a while I thought petite meant small old lady - or at least that's what all of the petite sections seemed to carry - clothes for small old ladies. I've always been short - I'm the shortest in my family of not tall people (my uncle is a Giant at 5'10").
2. How tall are you?
I'm 5'0" (60 inches).
3. Where do you shop for clothes?
secondhand shops (crossroads trading company); Banana Republic petites (when they have a sale); H&M for tops; Old Navy and Express used to carry their slacks in groupings of short, average and tall - they don't anymore and it's sad.
4. What obstacles do you find challenging when shopping?
Pants - I almost always have to mentally add $15 onto whatever the price is because I'll have to have them hemmed. I also have hips & a butt so the prepubesecnt pants in department stores don't work (I've tried). Also sometimes the waist line in dresses can be awkward and I don't do baby-doll; I don't have pencil thin legs adn don't need any help making my legs look short and squaty
5. Do you have small feet as well?
no - size 7/ 7.56.
Do you wear jewelry? If so, what kind of pieces do you usually purchase?
yes. earrings, rings, necklaces, I'd love to wear more bracelets but I can't/don't/choose not to wear bangle-type bracelets because my wrist and hand are both so small that most bangles either slip right off or just look silly. Not all cuff bracelets will squeeze in as much as I need either
7. If there was an event that catered to petite women of all shapes and sizes would you go? What kinds of things would attract you to such an event?
yes. Not crazy expensive (I don't by $100 jeans and $40 T-shirts), They have to understand that all petities are not built the same. I'd LOVE on-site alterations for pants.
8. Would you be interested in learning about upcoming fashion designers for petite clothing?
9. If you're not in the Toronto and or Ontario area would you want an event like this in your town/province?
yes, and I think there would be HUGE turnout. I'm in the California SF, Bay Area.

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