Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Where oh where?

Where have I been, what have I been doing and why I haven't I added anything to my blog in almost 3 weeks? Laziness, pure, unexcused, "I'd rather watch episodes of ethically troubled Discovery Channel shows and Grey's Anatomy than actually get up and look at the computer for another second after staring at one most of the day at work" laziness.

I've actually been simi-productive in other areas of my live- I've organized my recipes in a way I think I might actually stick with; I've reorganized one of the hall closet (hence forth called the shoe closet); I've been to Ikea - twice - and didn't spend more than $30. I've rearranged the furniture in the living room 3 different ways...only to put it back exactly as it was before. I've rediscovered Miso soup and cheese rolls (I haven't had them together yet but that is the most obvious progression)


And now back to your regular scheduled program.

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