Need more incentive to start throwing stuff away? Read 100 reasons to get rid of it (Well, there aren’t really 100 reasons it's more like several reasons and lots of ways)
Looking for a place to take your old cell phones, digital camera, or computer monitor? Did you know you can trade in your old iPod and get a 10% discount on a new one? That you can trade in books or movies you don’t want anymore for ones that you do?
Some of my favorite reasons:
- Around 23 percent of people pay late fees on bills they cannot find.
- Because you don’t want to end up like the Bronx, New York, man who, in 2003, was trapped in his home under an avalanche of books and newspapers for two days before being rescued.
- Because what's the worst that can happen if you throw it out?
-William Morris
Read the full article in the March/April publication of Blueprint